Wednesday, December 20, 2006

PITG/Northshore Gaming Wins Pittsburgh License

The Isle of Capri has lost their bid to PITG/Northshore Gaming. Forest City Station Square has also been passed over.

Plan B here we come?

I hope that this is not the day that hockey in Pittsburgh died. I am sure that the team will be willing to have some sort of negotiations with the local politicos, but I can't see them being very receptive to making major financial contributions when they have a privately funded arena on the table.

The Penguins will most likely address the media this afternoon.

More later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a season ticket holder for several years, this is bad news for the Penguins. Teflon Ed Rendell doesn't care what happens outside of Philadelphia, and it was made apparent by his appointed board. Mario saved this team twice while everyone else just talked. Teflon created a plan B which would cost much more than the Isle of Capri plan and uses tax dollars (even though he says it won't). Mark Cuban cries about how he wishes he could own the team, but won't make a move to do so. Our last chance is that someone swoops in and takes the franchise with Pittsburgh in mind, but we shouldn't get our hopes up. To all who wouldn't support Isle of Capri, the Penguins are moving on your watch. Remember Cleveland Browns leaving? Welcome to the new Cleveland.

11:56 AM  
Blogger faux rumors said...

1) We hear that when the deal by Balsille fell through the isle of Capri went with it.
2) Bettman lobbied against the deal as he and the NHL didn't like the gambling tie in. Especially after the Tochett/Gretzky affair.
3) However, we're also told that the odds of the penguins staying went UP after Balsille pulled out. He fully intended to move the team to Ontario.
4) The politicians felt that the new folks who expressed interest in the team would pay for most of it anyway

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am canadian from ontario and i for one have been a pittsburgh fan my whole life, and most importantly a lemieux fan. I personally would love to see the pens come to ontario and frankly i think southern ontario needs another nhl team badly, its simply impossible to see the maple leafs play. I feel bad for the pittsburgh fans but if there city wont put up any money towards saving there team, then the city of pittsburgh doesn't deserve the team. Its that simple. Balsille frankly would make one of the best owners in almost any sport franchise and i think the NHL would benifet from having someone like him running a team

4:00 PM  

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